The Importance of Electrolytes in Hydration and Performance

Electrolytes play a crucial role in hydration and performance. In this guide you'll understand their function and how maintaining the right balance is essential for optimising athletic performance and overall well-being.

The Ultimate Guide to Electrolyte Powder

Electrolyte powder has become increasingly popular among athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and individuals who lead active lifestyles. This guide aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of electrolyte powder, its various types, benefits, and how to choose...

When to Take Electrolytes: A Comprehensive Guide

Our comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know about electrolytes. Including the role they have in maintaining the proper functioning of our bodies and when to take electrolytes.

How to fuel an IRONMAN

Written by IRONMAN athlete, Hannah Munday From Triathlon to IRONMAN Growing up in Leicestershire, my parents very selflessly supported my swimming aspirations as a young girl. I swam competitively between the ages of 11 and...

Energy Gel Alternatives That You’ll Actually Enjoy Using

If, like us, you’ve been searching for another way, you’ve come to the right place because we’ve rounded up some of the best energy gel alternatives for fuelling your efforts.

6 problems with traditional energy gels solved

Traditional energy gels have a wide range of undesirable side effects... tummy trouble, artificial taste, gloopy texture – often all three. Forget about them all, here are the biggest problems with traditional energy gels and...

The Ultimate Guide to Energy Chews: Boost Your Performance

Struggling with bonking, or blowing-up, whilst cycling during endurance rides? Find out why synthetic gels and bars are often the root of this sudden loss of energy and how real food prevents this much-dreaded issue -...

Discover the Benefits of Ashwagandha for Men and Women and Why Using a Protein Shake to Get a 500mg Daily Dose is Best

Struggling with bonking, or blowing-up, whilst cycling during endurance rides? Find out why synthetic gels and bars are often the root of this sudden loss of energy and how real food prevents this much-dreaded issue -...

Mastering Your Training Plan: 10 Essential Tips for Success

Struggling with bonking, or blowing-up, whilst cycling during endurance rides? Find out why synthetic gels and bars are often the root of this sudden loss of energy and how real food prevents this much-dreaded issue -...